Training a Puppy on a Lead, may be a crucial part of training their Puppy to be safe, and obedient. Their are many ways to training your dog on a lead, and many of these ways are incorrect. The main reason people fail, when it comes to Training a Puppy on a Lead, is because, it's not considered part of Training a Puppy, and it should be.
I have had this problem, and i'm sure, almost every Dog owner has. You need patience, as with all Dog Training, because it will not happen overnight, unless you have access to Cesar Millan.
The most important step you must understand, is that walking your Dog, cannot be part of Lead Training, it simply wont happen. If you take your Dog for a walk, without teaching it the basics inside it's boundaries, it will likely, pull and pull, until you reach the destination, and he's let off, to run like crazy.
Training a puppy to walk on a lead is hard work, and like we said, you need patience and understanding. You can purchase many training aids, but they seldom work. Like we said above, teach your dog the basics of being on a lead inside, or near your home. When he or she understands the simple rules, then take him further outside of his boundaries.
If you are wanting to Potty Train your Puppy, simply follow these simple steps. Their are 4 quick steps, that can easily create a routine, that you and your Puppy will love.
1. Leave your Puppy in his Crate, until you think he needs to go. 2. When the time is right, take him outside, walking through the same door every time, so your Puppy knows which door to use, when he's old enough to do so himself. Place him on the ground, in his designated area, and encourage him to go. If your Puppy does his business, give him praise, and give him a treat. 3. If your Puppy does not eliminate after 10-15 minutes, take him back inside, through the same door your exited, and place them back in their Crate. Take them back outside, after 15 minutes, and repeat the steps. 4. Follow this routine for a week or two, and your new Puppy, will start to learn this routine.
Your Puppy will learn and start to enjoy this simple routine, and you will too. The difference you will see in your Puppy in a month or so, will be enormous.
Here is a very informative video by Shelby Linstrom.
If you have an English Bulldog, you may want to Train him, and these Train My English Bulldog videos are a great way of teaching your dog to be obedient. The first video features an 8 week old puppy, whos owner talks you through a few simple tricks.
Watch the video now-
The next Train my English Bulldog video is only short, but it's part of a simple series of videos. The Dog featured is an American Bulldog, but the principals are still the same.
You maybe wondering how to "Train my Puppy to Sit", one of the most asked questions, when it comes to training new Puppies. This simple command, is well known, and easy to teach. In the past, i have always trained my Puppy to sit, in a number of ways. The most common way is to, place your puppy next to you, say sit firmly, push down on it's rear end gently, and then reward your Puppy with a treat. I always thought i knew the best way, and maybe it works for many people, but not all.
Let's watch this simple and informative video on "Teach my Puppy to Sit"
This quick and easy to teach video has worked for me and many others. Teaching your new Puppy to sit, does not have to difficult, just take your time, be relaxed, and don't force your new Puppy to feel scared of you, be firm but nice.
Potty Training your Puppy can be a difficult process, but it doesn't have to be. If we all use a couple of simple rules and tips, Potty Training your Puppy will be quicker than you think.
Let's first watch this video - Potty Train My Puppy.
I really like this video, it's very informative and helpful. Just following a couple of rules, like taking your Puppy to the place you want it to do it's business, and not standing their on the porch steps. Also having patience, as playful Puppies can take their time, as i'm sure you know.
When it comes to feeding treats to your Puppy, you want to know which ones are best, right? How can you know which ones are healthy, and not full of chemicals and non natural products? Let's take a look at some best selling, and highly recommended Natural Puppy Treats.
Zuke's Mini Naturals Dog Treats, are excellent for training your small Puppy. The are all natural, and made with high quality proteins and grains and enriched with vitamins and minerals. The natural ingredients means that these small snacks are digested quickly, and as one reviewer said, "Unlike dog kibble or other treats, these are quickly digested so that your dog will not be gagging on them as he/she works on the next behavior."
More information on Zukes Mini Natural Dog Treats-
*At only 2 calories each, Minis are great for small dogs, big dogs and big dogs who could be smaller! * Made in the USA with USA sourced meats, grains, fruits and vegetables. *Made without artificial colors, flavors or by-products
Zukes Mini Natural Dog Treats are available at
Teaching your Puppy obedience, with Puppy Training Treats is one effective way of building a strong relationship with your new Dog. Training treats are one of the most popular ways of praising your pet, when he or she has followed a certain command. Their are however a couple of things you should know, before starting this kind of training.
1.Always use a verbal reward as well as a Treat, this is important. When the training develops, the simple verbal command, will become the treat, this is the time to slowly withdraw, the Puppy Training Treat.
2.Once you have a name for your new Puppy, have a few 5 minute sessions everyday, just calling him by his name, and maybe rewarding him with a small treat, if he reacts to his name.
3.Be firm but friendly. Depending on the type of training you are doing, a firm voice is needed, however, Puppies react to friendly voices too, so use a good mix of voice commands, to build a good friendship with your Dog.
Here is an informative video on the use of Puppy Training Treats.
5 Must Read Tips to Puppy Training Here is an excellent article on Puppy Training.
Buy a puppy training book, do a search on the internet for training puppies, or ask your local veterinarian where to find the best puppy training classes in the area. However, you choose to train your puppy here are 5 tips to help you train your puppy.
Tip # 1 - Be consistent and patient. I cannot stress enough when training a new puppy about consistency and patience. Remember this is just a little thing that wants nothing more than to please its master but does not have the mental capacity at such a young age to just "get it". You have to be patient and repeat yourself over and over again. He'll get it but it will take a little time and he will make mistakes. Also realize some breeds will learn faster than other breeds so stick with it.
Tip # 2 - Create some type of reward system for your puppy that he or she only gets during the puppy training process. For example: If you are using dog treats to reward your puppy only provide those treats during puppy training and only when the puppy has completed the command. If you give the puppy his treats throughout the day just because this will confuse the puppy. You can use the puppy's favorite toy or training aid as a positive reward and to reinforce the command. Some trainers use a puppy's play toy and only play with the puppy using the toy during the training process.
Tip #3 - Purchase a puppy crate as a training aid for the puppy. Dog crates can be used to housebreak new puppies, train puppies to stay on command, relieve anxiety in puppies, and also train puppies that a crate is their safe haven. Many people believe that using crates, cages, or kennels is cruel. This is farthest from the truth. The truth is training a puppy using a crate can improve puppies behavior and mannerisms.
Tip #4 - Do not punish your puppy during puppy training. Many people believe that if you punish the puppy while training this will correct the bad behavior and speed up the learning process. This too is not true. Positive reinforcement and praise is the best way to train your new puppy. Punishing your dog could create a very aggressive dog and dangerous dog. Stick with the positive rewards and watch your puppy thrive to please you and your family.
Tip # 5 - If you feel that you cannot train your puppy yourself then hire a dog trainer or sign up for dog training classes. If you hire a dog trainer do not think that you will not be involved in your puppy's training. It is very important that you are the one that is giving your puppy the commands and you are the one the puppy will trust. Dogs look to their owners for safety and protection. In return they will be well mannered and good socialized dogs who will love their owner unconditionally.
Attending puppy training classes with your puppy is a great way to learn techniques to train your puppy and also allow your puppy to learn how to socialize with other dogs and people. Contact your local veterinarian for suggestions on dog training classes in your area or contact the local animal shelter.
A well trained and obedient dog will be a perfect fit into you family and give your family years of love, joy, and fun. All that dogs ask is to be given the same from their family.
Pat Turman is a successful mid-level manager and internet entrepreneur. She co-owned and operated a quarter million dollar e-retail store selling golf equipment for women, runs numerous online businesses, and manages a company with revenues of over a million dollars. She holds a BBA from an accredited University and numerous awards and certificates. To find out more on how to train a puppy visit for all of your puppy training videos, articles, and products.
Looking after your Puppy is important, im sure i didn't have to tell you that. The experts at Eukanuba, have put this special video together, to help you understand how to Groom your Puppy properly. Bathing, keeping them flea free and brushing their coats is all part of owning a Puppy, but don't worry, you don't have to do this every week.
If you have a Long Haired Puppy, you will want to know how to keep their coats looking pristine. If you Bath them and Brush them from an early age, they will grow up, being used to being wet and brushed, sounds simple, but it works. As the video says, a little bit at a time is best, not trying to full flow all at once, gently ease them in. If you prefer to take your new Puppy to a Professional Dog Groomers, always make sure they are up to date with their injections. Your new Puppy, may be in a confined space with older Dogs, and the chances of infection may be high.
One big question most people ask is, When can i start grooming my Puppy? The most common answer given by experts is, 6 Months old. At this point, most Puppies will have had a large amount of their injections, making it safer for them. If you are unsure, please ask your local Vet, as they will be able to advise you.
Now that your Puppy is growing a little, it's time to go out into the world, and walk your new Puppy. A trip to the local park should be an exciting time, and not one that worries you, because your not sure how your new Puppy is going to react.
From the start, it's important to have good control over your new pet, you have to show him who's boss. A lot of Dog's grow up protecting their owner, and this might not be a bad thing, but it can cause problems, when a friend of yours comes close, and your Dog becomes aggressive. I have been in this situation before, but with some training from the local Dog School, my Dog, is now calmer around people.
Watch this video on Puppy Training - Socializing.
This is a simple video, giving out a few tips. Lets take a look at another video. This is highly rated, and offers more great tips. It's only short, but it offers some great info.
When it comes to choosing the best Puppy Food, their are a few factors, to take into consideration. You want to give your Puppy, the best start in life, and the food you choose, will have a huge impact on their fitness, obesity and longevity.
Here is a helpful Puppy Training Video, which concentrates on Puppy Food.
As the video says, "Choosing the right puppy food lays the foundation for the puppies' health in the future." I hope this video has helped, and if you have any comments or more tips, please let us know.
Puppy House Training, is one of the most important steps, when it comes to teaching your new Puppy, the rules. Their are a few general rules you should follow when Puppy House Training, let's take a look at some.
1. Remember, it's not a race. The key to training is, commitment and patience, but of which, wil help you through the first couple of weeks. 2. One rule that people always fail on, is, "not to open your door, to allow your Puppy to roam outside, this will not House Train your new Puppy. 3. Dog's are creatures of habits, and their are a few other rules that can help Puppy House Training. Removing their water bowl before bedtime, can help when house training. Always remember to replace your Puppies water bowl, first thing in the morning.
Here's an informative video on Puppy House Training.
I hope you found this video helpful, and your comments are always welcome.
Puppy Paper Training can be a long, stressful, and difficult process. If you are thinking about Puppy Paper Training, or you have been doing this, with no luck, we have some Puppy Training Videos, to help you through the process.
Puppy Paper Training, generally involves placing pieces of paper on a designated floor space. By removing a piece everyday, or every other day, then eventually, you should be left with one piece of paper, far away from his bed space.
Watch this Puppy Paper Training video, and then we'll look at a few tips.
A few tips for Puppy Paper Training.
1. Choose one room, that will be ok for accidents, basically, Puppy Proof it. Don't allow your Puppy Paper Training to spread to more than one room. 2. Reduce the size of the paper floor covering by an inch a week. This will allow your Puppy to slowly adjust to a smaller paper size.
I hope you found the Puppy Paper Training video helpful. Your comments and tips are always welcomed.
Puppy Pad Training, can be an extremely difficult process. When you first bring your fluffy new Puppy home, it's all smiles and joy, that is until, your new Puppy eliminates on your brand new rug.
It's important to start house training your new pet, as soon as possible. It can be difficult, and stressful, but it must be done. Their are ways to stop your new Puppy from eliminating on your floor, Puppy Pad Training. Puppy Pads, are absorbent and specially scented, to attract your Puppy.
These Puppy Pads are ideal for when your out of the house, and your new pet has a full bladder. Not only can this save your carpets and other floor coverings, but also give you piece of mind.
Watch Puppy Pad Training Pads in action, in this Puppy Training Video.
As you can see, Puppy Pad Training is extremely easy. You can purchase from Amazon.
Crate Training your Puppy, can give enormous satisfaction, not only for you, but for your Dog as well. Teaching Crate Training from the start, will be a lot easier than a few months into their habits. Crate Training your Puppy may also be a necessity, as your new pet, maybe damaging your furniture. A more serious problem could be to protect your Puppy, from household chemicals and electrical cables.
A Crate also serves another purpose, it's a great way of bedding your new Puppy. If your new pet, is taught at a very young age to sleep in a crate, this will be a lot easier for you.
Crate Training Puppies Video.
I hope this Crate Training Puppies video was helpful. This video has currently received 4.5 stars on You Tube, and the Video Comments have been extremely positive.
Placing your Puppy in the Crate.(Always remove Collars)
By slowly introducing your Puppy to it's new home, a few hours at a time, is the best way. If your Puppy starts whining, don't remove them straight away, your simply just giving in. Don't place your Puppy Crate in direct sunlight, especially on a hot day, please use common sense with positioning it. Cold, fresh water must always be placed inside their new home.
What should i do if my Puppy has an accident in the Crate?
This is normal. Try and make sure, your Puppy has done it's toilet business, before placing it in the Crate. This can be difficult, but it's very easy to create a routine, and your Puppy, will soon learn the ropes.
Here's another Crate Training Puppies video.Rated 5 Stars by reviewers.
I hope you have found these videos, and the information informative. Comments are always welcomed.
Looking for books on puppy training? Their are many Puppy Training Books available, but how do you know which ones for you?
It can all depend on which type of Dog you have. You will probably find a detailed book, on the breed of Dog you have. For instance, their are many Training Books on Alsatians and English Bulldogs, with these being more helpful to the breed, rather than just any Dog. It's better to try and find a Book on Puppy Training, which is catererd just for your Breed., is the best place online for Puppy Training Books, and the reviews are extremely helpful.
Let's take a look at the best selling Puppy Training Books on Amazon.
The #1 selling Puppy Training book right now is, "How to Raise the Perfect Dog - Cesar Millan"
Cesar Millan, is one of the most respected, and most searched Dog Trainers in America. His "Wizardlike Ability with Dogs" as one critic said, is renowned.
How to Raise the Perfect Dog, has an overall rating of 4.5 Stars. A lot of the reviews are extremely positive, with most people saying that this book is a must, for anyone who has just got a Puppy. It does however have a few negative reviews. A couple of people have commented, that this book is only for Puppies, and not any full grown dog's.
Here is a Cesar Millan video. It covers the topic of Housebreaking Puppies.
Now that your new Puppy is settled in, is he or she, being a little naughty?
the Following Puppy Training Video from Eukanuba, will explain in detail, how to teach your Puppy Discipline, but also, let it still be a young Puppy and have fun. You have probably had the normal things happen, a couple of shoes chewed, or the table legs have a few bite marks in, how can we discipline our new Puppy, and teach it not to do these things.
Let's watch the Eukanuba Puppy Training Videos.
This is an excellent video, to teach your new Puppy, how to be good. Remember as the video says, reward your Puppy if she or he is good. Also, be firm, even though those Puppy Dog Eyes may melt your heart, he may also be eating your shoes when your back is turned.
Now that you have your new Puppy, you will probably need a Puppy Feeding Guide, to know how much, and how frequent, to feed your new Puppy. Thankfully, Eukanuba, are experts at Puppy Feeding, and they have some excellent videos, to help you through.
Watch this Puppy Training Video, which features, feeding tips and a Puppy Feeding Guide.
Now that you have a good idea of when and how much to feed your new Puppy. A Puppy Feeding Guide, will help you through those first few months, until you get the hang of it.
Here is a basic Puppy Feeding Guide.
For the first 8 weeks, you should not remove a Puppy from it's mother. The mothers milk, will give a Puppy all the nutrition and antibodies, to get them through the first period of their lives. After the 8 week period, you should be feeding your Puppy 2 times a day. Choose your Puppy food well, one that has all the vitamins and minerals, a growing dog needs. 3-6 months. This is when your Puppy will chew and bite your fingers. Click here for more information on Puppy Teething. Your little fellow, will probably go through a stage of not eating much, that's because he's teething, and just like a baby, he'll want to chew things. Try and feed your Puppy twice a day, choosing nutritional food, in case he doesn't eat a full meal.
6 months +. Now is the time, your little guy, will start growing, and fast. Still feed him Puppy Food, up until he's around, 1. If you have a larger breed of Dog, ask your Vet, about giving him Adult Dog Food.
Here's a few more tips Puppy Feeding Guide tips.
1. Purchase your Puppy food from a Pet Store, rather than a Supermarket. Your local Pet Store will be able to advise you, and give better help, than a Supermarket Sales Person.
2. Don't leave Puppy food out the whole day. Dog food can attract ants, and other insects. If your Puppy gets sick, it be also be difficult to realize that she is not eating. Always give your Puppy food at feeding times, leave for an hour, and then remove the food bowl. Always leave fresh water though, this is very important.
Welcoming your new Puppy to your home, is a vital step. Depending on the type of home you have, it's important to choose the right kind of Bed, Play Toys and Food. Another important first step, is where to allow your Puppy to be. If you don't wish to allow your new Puppy into your Bedrooms, then make sure, you have adequate and safe protection, to stop this.
Lets watch Episode 2 from the Eukanuba Puppy Training Videos.
That video was extremely good for showing how to keep your new Puppy in it's own area. If you wish to place your Puppy in a Pet Pen, then make sure you read all the instructions, and make sure your new Puppy has fresh water at all times.
If your the new owner of a Puppy, it's very important, that you give your new pet, the best start in life possible, and that's where Puppy Nutrition comes in.
The team at Eukanuba, have put together these online videos, to help you get started. If you know a little about Puppy Nutrition, then that's a good start. If your a new Puppy owner, and have no previous experience, Eukanuba, will show you how to get started. Let's first watch this video about Puppy Nutrition, and look at a few tips after.
Now that we have watched the video on Puppy Nutrition, what else could you need to know?
Here's a couple of quick tips on giving your new Puppy a good start in life.
1. Check your Puppy Food Label. Read the ingredients, if it contains Dyes or other types of Chemicals. 2. Don't overfeed your new Puppy. Obesity, and the lack of exercise, from the start, can reduce your Puppy's life span dramtically. 3. Feed your new Puppy using a Metal or Ceramic Bowl, these are the best choices. Plastic bowl, can contain harmful chemicals.