Image by omniNate via Flickr
1. Always use a verbal reward as well as a Treat, this is important. When the training develops, the simple verbal command, will become the treat, this is the time to slowly withdraw, the Puppy Training Treat.
2. Once you have a name for your new Puppy, have a few 5 minute sessions everyday, just calling him by his name, and maybe rewarding him with a small treat, if he reacts to his name.
3. Be firm but friendly. Depending on the type of training you are doing, a firm voice is needed, however, Puppies react to friendly voices too, so use a good mix of voice commands, to build a good friendship with your Dog.
Here is an informative video on the use of Puppy Training Treats.
5 Must Read Tips to Puppy Training
Here is an excellent article on Puppy Training.
5 Must Read Tips to Puppy Training.
By Pat Turman
Tip # 1 - Be consistent and patient. I cannot stress enough when training a new puppy about consistency and patience. Remember this is just a little thing that wants nothing more than to please its master but does not have the mental capacity at such a young age to just "get it". You have to be patient and repeat yourself over and over again. He'll get it but it will take a little time and he will make mistakes. Also realize some breeds will learn faster than other breeds so stick with it.
Tip # 2 - Create some type of reward system for your puppy that he or she only gets during the puppy training process. For example: If you are using dog treats to reward your puppy only provide those treats during puppy training and only when the puppy has completed the command. If you give the puppy his treats throughout the day just because this will confuse the puppy. You can use the puppy's favorite toy or training aid as a positive reward and to reinforce the command. Some trainers use a puppy's play toy and only play with the puppy using the toy during the training process.
Tip #3 - Purchase a puppy crate as a training aid for the puppy. Dog crates can be used to housebreak new puppies, train puppies to stay on command, relieve anxiety in puppies, and also train puppies that a crate is their safe haven. Many people believe that using crates, cages, or kennels is cruel. This is farthest from the truth. The truth is training a puppy using a crate can improve puppies behavior and mannerisms.
Tip #4 - Do not punish your puppy during puppy training. Many people believe that if you punish the puppy while training this will correct the bad behavior and speed up the learning process. This too is not true. Positive reinforcement and praise is the best way to train your new puppy. Punishing your dog could create a very aggressive dog and dangerous dog. Stick with the positive rewards and watch your puppy thrive to please you and your family.
Tip # 5 - If you feel that you cannot train your puppy yourself then hire a dog trainer or sign up for dog training classes. If you hire a dog trainer do not think that you will not be involved in your puppy's training. It is very important that you are the one that is giving your puppy the commands and you are the one the puppy will trust. Dogs look to their owners for safety and protection. In return they will be well mannered and good socialized dogs who will love their owner unconditionally.
Attending puppy training classes with your puppy is a great way to learn techniques to train your puppy and also allow your puppy to learn how to socialize with other dogs and people. Contact your local veterinarian for suggestions on dog training classes in your area or contact the local animal shelter.
A well trained and obedient dog will be a perfect fit into you family and give your family years of love, joy, and fun. All that dogs ask is to be given the same from their family.
Pat Turman is a successful mid-level manager and internet entrepreneur. She co-owned and operated a quarter million dollar e-retail store selling golf equipment for women, runs numerous online businesses, and manages a company with revenues of over a million dollars. She holds a BBA from an accredited University and numerous awards and certificates. To find out more on how to train a puppy visit for all of your puppy training videos, articles, and products.
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