Puppy Paper Training.

Puppy Paper Training can be a long, stressful, and difficult process.
If you are thinking about Puppy Paper Training, or you have been doing this, with no luck, we have some Puppy Training Videos, to help you through the process.

Puppy Paper Training, generally involves placing pieces of paper on a designated floor space. By removing a piece everyday, or every other day, then eventually, you should be left with one piece of paper, far away from his bed space.

Watch this Puppy Paper Training video, and then we'll look at a few tips.

A few tips for Puppy Paper Training.

1. Choose one room, that will be ok for accidents, basically, Puppy Proof it. Don't allow your Puppy Paper Training to spread to more than one room.
2. Reduce the size of the paper floor covering by an inch a week. This will allow your Puppy to slowly adjust to a smaller paper size.

I hope you found the Puppy Paper Training video helpful. Your comments and tips are always welcomed.

1 comment:

  1. Haven't heard the inch-a-week trick. That's an interesting approach, and it makes sense!
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